On Tuesday, June 16, 2015 11:45:06 Christian Mollekopf wrote:
> > Let's not forget that we're talking about a few hundred deployers here,
> > and 
> > perhaps a lot more we don't know about, and then hopefully a whole lot
> > more in 
> > the future. The consistency across frameworks at this basic project
> > management 
> > level just cannot be underestimated, and that's why I think that the
> > proposal 
> > of different versions, and different modules per release of frameworks is
> > a /really bad idea/.
> I absolutely agree with our point that we should keep things for
> deployers as easy as possible,
> and I think that is entirely possible with a reasonable amount of
> effort.
> I'm also very willing to propose solutions for problems that I'm made
> aware of.

Now multiply what you think is a reasonabe effort with the number of 
downstreams and you end up with an unreasonable amount, and the mandate for us 
to keep things as simple as possible. The proposal of different release 
rhythms and versions is now completely unreasonable.

I think you're vastly underestimating the value of consistency, and frankly, 
I'm at a loss why as you're usually a very reasonable guy. Maybe you should 
just trust the amount of negative reactions (and the fact that they come from 
/all the right people/ and forget about your proposal. Trust the elders.


Sebastian Kügler    |    http://vizZzion.org    |     http://kde.org

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