El divendres, 21 d’octubre de 2022, a les 4:49:35 (CET), Devin va escriure:
> Hi everyone,
> At a recent Plasma Mobile meeting, we decided that moving many of the
> applications in Mobile Gear to the KDE Gear release cycle could make sense,
> since development of many of these projects has slowed down.
> I am wondering if this would make sense for the release team, and if so, if
> we could have the projects join for the 22.12 release, or perhaps another
> one in the future?
> We have a table of Mobile Gear projects and which ones to move here:
> https://invent.kde.org/teams/plasma-mobile/issues/-/issues/186

If no one disagrees I'll merge 
next Thursday.

Devin please make sure the developers of those apps understand they will be 
bound by the general KDE Gear schedule and branching practices.

Best Regards,

> Thanks,
> Devin

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