Title: The quid pro quo theory

See my comments below.


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Berg, Thomas C.
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 5:27 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: The quid pro quo theory


Eugene, I agree that very "global" quid pro quo theories -- like "broad Establishment Clause, broad Free Exercise Clause" -- do not spread their benefits to all religions equally.  (For example, I think that "broad establishment clause, broad free exercise" tends to protect or benefit minority or outsider religions, although I'd qualify that statement in some important ways.  I'm thinking about this now because I'm writing a piece about minority religions.)


I would love to see a draft of your article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I am going to do a piece on American Roman Catholicism in a Protestant Empire, and another piece on what I see as the anomaly of the Black Church, or maybe I’ll put the two together (and throw in Lutherans and some others) and turn it all into a book.)


But more specific quid pro quo arguments, it seems to me, can rest on real connections.  For example: "Because public schools cannot include religious teaching in their curriculum, there should be special concern to protect religious private schools and families' ability to use them if they conscientiously wish to have religoius instruction in their children's education."  That connection is still not perfect -- not all families who want religious instruction in education will belong to a denomination that operates religious schools -- but the connection is real because there are indeed many families who make such a choice between public education and private religious schools.


Interesting point.  I wonder just what protections those private religious schools need.  I think that if parents, the members of church X, which does not operate religious schools, wanted their children to have religious instruction in public schools (which, presumably, would NOT be instruction in the tenets of church X), they could just as easily accomplish their objective by having their children attend the religious schools of another religious group.  Indeed, they might be better off if forced to proceed in this fashion because they could choose a private religious school operated by a religious group whose teachings that most nearly mirror those of church X.  Beyond Zorach-type released time, why does the state need to do more?


As for more global quid pro quo notions:  although of course there are many, many religious views, nevertheless there is a general category called "religion" that is singled out for distinctive treatment in the Constitution and therefore may require distinctive treatment by government actors.  Even if a general quid pro quo approach doesn't benefit all faiths equally, it seems to me that it can have the advantage of setting forth an approach that doesn't treat religious activity just the same as every other activity, but is principled in the ways it departs from that "sameness" treatment.  For example, the Lee v. Weisman passage -- "preservation and transmission of religious beliefs and worship is a responsibility and a choice committed to the private sphere, which itself is promised freedom to pursue that mission" -- gives a principled (though certainly disputable) reason for treating religious activities distinctively in various legal situations.  When someone asks, for example, "Why should there be exemptions from law just for religious conduct?," a possible answer is, "It's part of this overall approach to religion that is sensible and justifiable, for [X] reasons."  I think that the fact that one can point to other places where religion is treated differently helps make the overall approach more sensible and justifiable (though, of course, still open to dispute).


More on the point of the institutional structure, goals, and objectives of various religious groups: it has to be true, I think, that no matter what legal regime is in place, some religions will fare better than others because they are more aggressive, larger, more powerful (culturally, economically and socially).  I think that the proper role of the law is to restrain the powerful, majoritarian, religions so that there is “space” for the other religions to maintain themselves.  In other words, solicitude for minority religions strikes me as a constitutional imperative.  Powerful religions can largely take care of themselves.


Tom Berg




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