Well, I have only anecdotal evidence regarding proselytizing by Catholics. Although I am not Catholic, I sent my older daughter to parochial school from fifth through tenth grade.

Her first week at Our Lady of Assumption she told me she wanted to convert so I took her to see the priest and, bless him, he handled the situation in the most admirable way.

He said very respectfully and gravely to this little girl (and, incidentally, in the loveliest Irish accent), "Elizabeth, Holy Mother Church would be delighted to have you join us in the faith. But, Elizabeth, she must be sure that the person truly understands the step that he or she is taking. While you are a pupil at Our Lady of Assumption, you will learn about the Catholic faith. So here is what I want you to do.  Keep coming to school here and study hard and obey your teachers. Talk to your mother and father about what you are learning and what you learn about our church. If, in two years, you still feel the same way, then come back to see me with your parents and we'll talk about it." These are his words virtually verbatim.

Well, Elizabeth's interest in converting to Catholicism died away, but I appreciated how he handled her and I have never forgotten his words or the delicacy with which he handled the situation. He didn't turn her away. He didn't disparage her new found enthusiasm or wanting to embrace the faith of her classmates and teachers. He welcomed her without taking advantage of her vulnerability.

Incidently, we had the grandest dinner table conversations, she tell me what she learned in religion class and I'd say, "Elizabeth that is really interesting I can see why Catholics believe that (because. . . .). Methodists believe. . . . Baptists believe. . .  Jewish people believe. . . . Muslims believe. . . . In our church, we believe. . . ." I was always careful to be respectful of the position of the Catholic church regarding the subject and, indeed, of the beliefs of the other faith traditions I brought up during the course of the conversation. 

Frances R. A. Paterson, J.D., Ed.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698

Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thàinig thu
--- Remember the people from whom you came.

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