Following up on Doug's post:


Did Jesus exist? Case dismissed

ROME, Italy (AP) -- An Italian judge has dismissed an atheist's
petition that a small-town priest should stand trial for asserting that
Jesus Christ existed, both sides said on Friday.

* * * * *

"This is not surprising but it doesn't mean it all ends here," [the
plaintiff] said, adding that he's considering taking the case to the
European Court of Human Rights.

"This is an important case and it deserves to go ahead," he said.

Judge Gaetano Mautone said in his decision that prosecutors should
investigate Cascioli [the plaintiff] for possible slander.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/11/2006 6:32:56 PM >>>
Assuming there is anything to this story, it kind of makes me glad
the case-or-controversy requirement has some content.    

Douglas Laycock
University of Texas Law School
727 E. Dean Keeton St.
Austin, TX  78705
   512-232-1341 (phone)
   512-471-6988 (fax)

Did Jesus exist? Italian court to decide - Yahoo! News 

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