I think I understand Paul's point, and the arguments in favor it, 
but I wonder whether it might get things backward.  TAPPS could likely have 
focused itself on Christian private schools with little difficulty for it.  (It 
might have benefited from including secular schools, but it likely could have 
survived just as well limited to Christian schools.)  On the other hand, my 
sense is that in such situations it's a great benefit to minority schools - 
both secular schools and especially Jewish schools - to be able to join such an 
association, since otherwise there might be very few schools for them to play 
against.  In many places, an all-Orthodox-Jewish league would have very few 
teams, and very long travel times to games.

            So TAPPS generally did Jewish schools a good turn by letting them 
participate.  And if it hadn't let them participate, I suspect many would have 
faulted them for being unfairly exclusionary, with the argument being "What's 
it to you that the school is Jewish?"  But now TAPPS is being told that by 
being somewhat more open, it now incurs this extra obligation.  That strikes me 
as both creating perverse incentives, and being a poor reward for TAPPS' 
moderate ecumenicalism, because it demands that this moderate ecumenicalism 
lead to considerably more demanding ecumenicalism.

            As to the guest/host analogy, I would think that this too cuts the 
opposite direction at least as much as in the direction suggested below (and 
perhaps more).  If I invite someone to my home, or into my private association, 
I surely would feel some impulse to accommodate him; if someone comes for 
dinner but says that he can't eat pork (and doesn't otherwise demand a kosher 
kitchen), I'll probably try to give him a non-pork option even if the main 
course is ham.  But I would hope that he would feel an even stronger impulse 
not to reward my hospitality with excessive demands, or with repeating his 
demands after I say no (even if I'm being not as hospitable as I might be in 
saying so) - and I would certainly hope that he wouldn't reward my hospitality 
with a lawsuit.


Paul Horwitz writes:

In this case, it seems to me that the road to a reasonable resolution of the 
problem lies in the fact that TAPPS opened itself to a situation in which it 
welcomed the possibility of sporting events involving others whose religious 
needs might require accommodation. If the league had remained solely devoted to 
Christian schools and, in effect, had valued Christian community over sports or 
all-state intramural play itself, then refusing to change its schedule would a) 
be reasonable and b) not be much of a problem, since the issue would be 
unlikely ever to arise. Once it took the step of opening play to 
non-Christians, however, including those with an equally thick set of religious 
commitments, then common sense, if not simply being a good host, would suggest 
that the league ought to anticipate and accommodate the religious needs of its 
guests. But certainly the work here is not done by invoking "common sense" 

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