I was just reading, and being puzzled by, Hadley Arkes' First Things article, 
"Recasting Religious Freedom," 
  I hesitate to try to summarize his point, for fear that I didn't fully grasp 
it; but, as best I can tell, he seems to be saying that (1) religious freedom 
rights should only apply to belief systems that are sufficiently well-reasoned 
(p. 47) -- though I'm not sure if the quality of the reasoning is meant to be 
judged by his standards or by the courts' -- and (2) once an exemption claim is 
found to belong to such a system, the government must accept it unless it can 
show that it is "deeply unreasonable" (p. 49).  But I wonder whether others on 
the list have read the article and can offer a different (and perhaps better) 

I will say that there is one thing I like about Arkes' analysis - it suggests, 
on p. 50 (and in other places), that a constitutional religious exemption 
regime would in many ways be very close to the Lochner-era substantive due 
process regime, though it would apply the generalized Lochnerian liberty only 
to those who can claim a religious freedom claim.  That is the argument I made 
in my "Common-Law Model for Religious Exemptions" article, 
http://www.law.ucla.edu/volokh/relfree.pdf, though I made it against a 
constitutional exemption claim.  But that is a somewhat different matter; at 
this point, I just want to make sure I understand Arkes' argument.  Many thanks,


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