Good morning,

I wanted to pass this writing competition information along to you.
Founders First Freedom was established in 2005 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization dedicated to educating the public about religious clause
issues. If you know law students who are interested in these topics, or who
would like to draft a "model" Supreme Court decision on a current case and
win up to $1500 (first place) or $750 (second place), please pass this
along to them and feel free to announce it in any bulletins or other

We are also looking for volunteer competition judges.

We will be posting a PDF "flyer" suitable for printing and distribution in
the next couple of days.

Michael Peabody, Esq.
Founders First Freedom

*2017 Founders First Freedom Law Student Writing Competition*

Founders First Freedom is pleased to announce the 2017 Law Student Writing
Competition. The contest is open to law students in the United States.
Founders First Freedom is a non-profit organization that exists to promote
quality education and scholarship in matters involving the religion clauses
of the United States Constitution.

The competition is open to current J.D. and L.L.M. students, including
students who graduate in the spring of 2017. The writer of the first place
entry will be awarded $1,500 and the writer of the second place entry will
be awarded $750. All winning entries and selected runner-ups will be posted
on the Founders First Freedom website.


In January 2016, the Supreme Court of the United States granted a writ of
certiorari in the case of *Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v.
Pauley* (Docket No. 15-577). Although the parties and numerous amici have
submitted briefs, the Court has not yet assigned a date for oral argument.

 The question for the writing competition is identical to the U.S. Supreme
Court's “Questions Presented Report.”   (See
qp/15-00577qp.pdf  <>)

*Question Presented*

Trinity Lutheran Church applied for Missouri’s Scrap Tire Grant Program so
that it could provide a safer playground for children who attend its
daycare and for neighborhood children who use the playground after hours–a
purely secular matter. But the state denied Trinity’s application solely
because it is a church. The Eighth Circuit affirmed that denial by equating
a grant to resurface Trinity’s playground using scrap tire material with
funding the devotional training of clergy. The Eighth Circuit’s decision
was not faithful to this Court’s ruling in *Locke v. Davey*, 540 U.S. 712
(2004), and deepened an existing circuit conflict. Three lower courts–two
courts of appeals and one state supreme court–interpret Locke as justifying
the exclusion of religion from a neutral aid program where no valid
Establishment Clause concern exists. In contrast, two courts of appeals
remain faithful to Locke and the unique historical concerns on which it

The question presented is: Whether the exclusion of churches from an
otherwise neutral and secular aid program violates the Free Exercise and
Equal Protection Clauses when the state has no valid Establishment Clause

*Writing Task*

Draft a model “Supreme Court majority opinion” addressing the issue before
the Court in *Trinity Lutheran Church v. Pauley.  Keep in mind that the
“question presented” was drafted by the attorneys for Trinity Lutheran
Church in the “Petition for a Writ of Certiorari” and makes legal and
factual assumptions that were rebutted by the respondent and addressed by
amici. Arguments presented therein should not be considered authoritative.*

The document should weigh both sides of the argument and reach a persuasive
conclusion. Winners will not be determined based on their conclusions, but
rather on the strength of the reasoning. If the Supreme Court issues a
ruling in advance of the conclusion of the competition, it will not affect
the judging in this competition.


The primary documents in the case are the briefs of the petitioner and
respondent.  Secondary documents are the amicus briefs. You may reference
any relevant case law. In the event that oral argument is obtained prior to
the deadline you may address it as well.

Many of the briefs are accessible at

*Eligibility Rules*

Submissions must be original works of publishable quality written by a
student currently enrolled full- or part-time in a law school in the United
States and those graduating in the spring of 2017.

Entries may be adapted from a student’s coursework, and participants are
encouraged to communicate with professors and others for assistance but the
work presented must be the student’s original work.

*Citations and Footnotes*

All submissions must comply with the current Harvard Law Review
Association’s Bluebook Uniform of Citation and in conformity with legal
briefs and Supreme Court opinions as opposed to research papers, in-text
case citations are preferred to footnotes or endnotes. However, footnotes
may be used for explanatory asides in the tradition of the Court.


Entries should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or a
compatible format, double-spaced in 12-point type with a 1 to 1.5″ margin.
The first page should be a title page with the name of the law student, and
the name of their law school. Students who wish to acknowledge the
assistance of a faculty member or other person may identify them on the
title page. No personally identifying information should appear on the
subsequent pages for purposes of neutrality in judging.

A word count of 2,000 to 3,500 words is suggested although shorter or
longer documents may be considered. Word count does not include footnotes.


Articles will be judged by a panel of law professors and attorneys.

Winning essays will be persuasive, adequately researched and properly
supported by citations, well organized and articulate, and demonstrate an
understanding of both sides of the issues.


Submissions must be received by 5:00 p.m. PST on June 23, 2017. The winner
will be announced by August 25, 2017.

*Submit documents via email to

For more information about Founders First Freedom and to register for
competition news and updates visit
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Anyone can subscribe to the list and read messages that are posted; people can 
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