I posted this to the MSF5000 groups a couple of time but no one seems 
to know. Since some MSF gurus may be here but not there, I thought 
I'd pose my issue here.

I have a UHF MSF500 (CXB) that programmed & tuned to the ham band 
just spiffy. Overall it's working great but I have a problem with PL 
decode, in that it take almost a full second in order for decode to 
recognize a valid tone. I've tried various tones (some at the high 
end and some at the low end) with no real change in decode time. I 
have monitored the PL decode via the test set and confirmed the 
extraordinarily long decode time.

Does anyone have any thoughts about this? I'd love to deploy this 
radio but don't like the idea of having to toss a TS64 into the mix...

I am Shakespeare of Borg. Prepare to be or not to be

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