I looked up the numbers for the PURC / MSF 5000 switches and they are:

90 degree C&K Part Number 7107MD9AV2BE  Digi Key CKN1174-ND  $7.20 ea

Straight  C&K Part Number 7101SD9V3BE   Digi Key CKN1043-ND  $6.80 ea



The switches are NLA from Motorola, but Digi Key has the right one except it 
has a shorter bat handle.  It works fine and fits the  mounting holes on  PC 
board exactly.  The hardest part is getting the front panel off the tray 
without breaking any of  plastic tabs that hold it on.  If I was at work I 
could give you the part number, they are made by C&K electronics and I lost 2 
of them in the last 6 weeks.  Must be age related?

Re: Motorola MSF5000 
Posted by: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   wjpcolorado 
Wed Apr 2, 2008 1:09 am (PDT) 
Thanks to everyone for their help. I opened everything up today... The VCOs 
were locked- so I unlocked them. I did find the problem. The accessory 
disable/reset switch seems to be malfunctioning. There are no longer 3 
on the switch. It stays in acc disable- I can "hold" the switch in the middle 
and the repeater works great! Any ideas?


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