
What is the number stamped in black ink directly on the PCB of the master
control module?  I know you recently received the community repeater manual,
and that manual doesn't contain the information on that module?  Odd...

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of n9wys
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 6:36 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: UHF MICOR Unified Chassis

Not in those words ("PL encoder") no... and I understand that. 

I am keying the repeater with an external source (AKA: HT) that is encoding

The Master Control module is NOT passing PL to the modulator on Pin 2. THIS
is my problem. I need a schematic for the Master Control module that I have
in my possession so I can troubleshoot further.

Mark - N9WYS

-----Original Message-----
<>  On Behalf Of sgreact47

A community repeater has NO PL Encoder..
The PL from the receiver is decoded and the PL tone is low pass
filtered and passed to the transmitter PL Encode input by the Master
Decoder card in the station.

So, if you key the station locally there is NO PL Encode.
Also, there is NO PL tone on the tail either.

"n9wys" wrote:
> Yes... 
> The station is a Community Repeater - not the "conventional" MICOR 
> repeater that most are familiar with. In other words, it uses 
> a different backplane

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