I have a complete micor uhf repeater for sale it comes with a 90watt pa
It has a preamp. It has the 4 micor cans it has the 12 volt power supply it
has a rc210 controller with two delay boards and auto patch in it. There are
3 26 amp hour batteries and an astron rs50 amp power supply in it the
circulator has already been modified for tuning I sent the chassis to Scot
Zimmerman and he modified the station card for hookup to the controller this
repeater is in a micor cabinet that stands 6' tall I need to sell the hole
thing and I am looking to get $1200 for it. The repeater comes with 2
crystals set for 443.400 and two pl tones crystals set for 107.2. the cans
have been tuned for 443.400 also anyone interested in it please call me at
678 455 5093 or send me an email david @ my call sign .com

see ya
David Schornak

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