
That turned into an interesting thread! This is the first problem that I have 
ever had with a crystal from Bomar. And I am pretty sure that it is not a 
crystal problem anyway. It is weird that the element just went haywire, but 
after-all, the radio is only 30 years old, right?  I will test some more and 
see what happens. If I start having problems I may order new ones from 
somewhere else and try them out. But I have always liked Bomar. 
As always, thanks for all the info.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "Greg Beat" <gregory.b...@...> wrote:
> I have no idea why you are using Bomar, 
> other than maybe to save a couple of dollars.
> I have always used ICM (as well as all 2-way / LMR technicians I have known)
> ICM guarantees their work for life and replaces crystal/elements.
> w9gb

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