Dear sir ;
i trying everything to solve this issue but nothing happened the issue i think 
the handheld (GP360) receive only squelch code without any audio voice i tried 
to change the dip switch of hln3333b nothing happened ..... is the hln3333b 
compatible with gm160 ? do you think the pin diagram of gm160 not fit with 
hln3333b ??? may be there's a problem with my hln3333b ? would you please give 
me gm160 pin diagram. and tell me what i have to do I'm in embarrassing 
situation i promise my manager to make these devices work as a repeater  . help 
me plzzzzzzz  

best regards
Eng. Hassan
--- On Wed, 8/26/09, ae6zm <> wrote:

From: ae6zm <>
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: repeater problem ????
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 2:24 AM


You may want to check out the information on this site:
http://www.batlabs. com/rick. html This is for the rick itself, might help some.

ARRL Technical Specialist
AEC Placer County ARES
Lincoln, CA
SKCC 5769

--- In Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com, Hassan Hider <has_e...@.. .> wrote:
> Dear everybody;
> i made a repeater by using 2x gm160 with hln3333b repeater interface. and i 
> make 1st gm 160 as transmitter and the 2nd as reciever and all work DPL the 
> problem is when i talk by the handheld ( gp360 ) the other one (gp360) 
> receive only carrier without any voice but the Reciever ( 2nd gm160 ) recieve 
> my voice and when i'm talking by transmetr's microphone the handheld recieve 
> my voice greatly !!!!! could you help me please.
> we look forward hearing from you.
> yours


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