At 8/30/2009 14:34, you wrote:

>Here is one reason to have a different PL Tone...close spacing.  Here in 
>NOVA 146.625 and 146.610 are two repeaters spaced on opposite sides of 
>WDC.  Coverage is about the same.  .625 users frequently bring up the .610 
>machine due to intermittant over deviation, etc. If the .610 machine had 
>the same PL tone there would be no benefit from using the PL tone.

Well, that's what you get with an uninverted 15 kHz spacing 
bandplan.  Users DXing a repeater 15 kHz away from another one in their 
backyard will interfere & there's little you can do about it except use a 
different CTCSS tone & accept the fact that the repeater's performance will 
be severely degraded when this happens.

Bob NO6B

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