At 10/22/2009 07:17, you wrote:

>I am brainstorming about constructing a portable - temp use - Pelican Case 
>portable 2m repeater using the 6 meter Heliax duplexer concept.
>I had built a 6m duplexer for .5 mhz split using this method 12 years ago 
>and it worked quite well.
>I have built a single cavity 2m notch filter for APRS use, so I believe 
>the concept can work.
>Has anybody tried building a 2m duplexer using this method that would do a 
>600khz split?
>Advice, suggestions?

The problem I see is that, even at only 500 kHz split, the difference 
between the input & output in percent is much smaller at 2 meters than at 
6.  At 6 meters, the spacing is just under 1% of the operating frequency, 
while at 2 meters it's only 0.41%, so the required Q of the 2 meter 
duplexer will be more than double what's required @ 6 meters.

Bob NO6B

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