Thanks for the offer. I am going to have to pass on the Mostar. I have been 
trying to keep as much of the equipment between sites the same as possible. We 
are pretty well familiar with the Micor and Mitrek series of radios and I think 
we want to stick with those if at all possible.

I may be needing some more reeds and channel elements though, so I will keep 
you in mind for those.

Joe - WA7JAW

--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Ted Bleiman K9MDM - MDM Radio 
<k9...@...> wrote:
> joe
> i have a mostar 406-430 if that'll do you any good works with mike (I'm 
> pretty sure) $50 + post (it'll ship priority)
> mdm ted

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