That is 512 bytes / sector => 4096 bytes / sector.

 At 04:30 3/15/2010 +0000, you wrote:

good article.... kudos for that
people are dropping 400 dollars for the solid state drives
needless to say vista is nanny software
at the point where xp 32 or 64 becomes more trouble than it is worth that will be the point where i buy new hardware and a new op
its amazing how many people have hardware that was never backward
or forward compatible or upgradeable
400k sectors and a translation to 512k sectors sounds like
the ram hard drives to me

--- In <>, Mike Morris WA6ILQ <wa6...@...> wrote:
> The hard drive manufacturers are changing
> the native drive sector size... industry wide.
> Since XP and 2000 are frozen (no more major
> updates) they are going to take a performance
> hit.
> See
> <<>>
> A lot of the comments at the bottom go off
> on tangents, but the article at the top is
> worth reading.
> Mike WA6ILQ

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