I will let Scott or Kevin confirm this but I think you are correct in that 
often times the transmit channel element is strapped to oscillate all of the 
time. Nothing wrong in doing this and it is not normally a problem unless you 
are very close to the repeater (usually within a few feet).

If you reach inside the Micor cabinet and pull out the transmit channel element 
the source of keying your cross band radio should go away.

The quick fix is more distance (try another 10 feet) or add more shielding 
between the repeater and your cross band mobile if possible.

Joe - WA7JAW

--- In, "ka9qjg1" <ka9...@...> wrote:
> Hello hope Everyone is doing well,  I  have ran into a little Problem and 
> thought I would get some  suggestions on how to resolve it 
> I have a Motorola Micor 224.40 repeater  built By Scott N3XCC , here on the 
> Repeater builder group; it has worked   great for over 3 Yrs. 
> I have a Few Hams in the area   who do not have 220 but the  know and would 
> like to talk to some of their friends who do  ,  So I took My Kenwood TM-631 
> Duel band  found a  Local 2 Meter Simplex that Myself and  a few others have 
> been using for over 20 Yrs .
> I turned the 220 Transmit down as low as I could get it which   is  2 Watts 
> That  goes into a Bird 100Watt  Dummy load .  The 2 Meter side I have set a 
> 10 watts and a 3 In muffing  Fan that runs while Transmitting   It runs nice 
> and Cool , 
> Everyone likes  it and it works fine Except that is has been keying up on the 
> 2 Meter side off and on  sometimes as long as 3 4 Min  Unfortunately I had 
> disabled the TOT And  on this Radio  you can only have a PL On one side  and 
> I need that on the 220 side .
> What I think is going on is that the Micor 220 has a Very small signal on the 
> output always being transmitted. No big deal except for what I "am trying to 
> do and that will random bring up the 2 Meter Transmit. 
> This radio has the 6 In Pigtails coming out to a SO-239  I wrapped them with 
> Foil and Moved the Duel band radio  about  10 ft away from the Repeater  
> which is in a 4 ft Motorola case .  The link is being Id When the Repeater is 
> being used. 
> Any thoughts will be great appreciated, The hams using this really like it 
> that don't have 220 they can now use their 2 Meter Mobile and Ht . 
> Thanks Don 

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