On Thu, 18 Mar 2010, tahrens301 wrote:
> Working on a micor mobile to be used as a repeater (only using the 
> exciter/control board/PA).
> Was going through it, and am only able to get about 75 watts out of it 
> with the exciter on 53.7.
> The exciter is putting out 0.3 watts... a bit more than most exciters 
> I've seen, but they were high band.
> The tags on the PA cover indicate over 100 watts were once measured.
> Made most of the capacitor mods to the exciter, but it tunes up easy. 
> (slugs not in wierd places).
> Oh, not gonna run it at full power, but wanted to make sure it was up 
> to snuff.

IIRC Motorola usually used about 1W at the exciter to drive the PA to 
full power. 1.125W (+33dBm) will put a Mitrek amp up to 125W under 
certain conditions. The Micor may have a tripler though.

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
Disinformation Analyst

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