Lots of good ideas and explanations out there on this issue.

I have never heard of any complaints of this problem on our Micor repeaters 
with users having commercial or decent amateur equipment.

What I do is use both the factory encoder and decoder and modify the station 
for "AND" squelch. I leave the station in PL all the time and only feed the 
controller the COR signal from the squelch gate card. 
I have a combination of Link-Com, Arcom, and ICS controllers in service with 
the Micors with no complaints of squelch crashes on decent radios. One of the 
worst I have found is Yaseu for producing squelch crashes when the repeater 
drops. My Yaseu mobile with or without PL decode turned on has a crash (and it 
is not all that bad) when the repeater drops. My Kenwood amateur radios work 
just fine. As they say.."You can't fix stupid". Well the same is true with some 
of the amateur equipment out there .."You can't always fix a badly designed 
radio either". 

I agree with those who also think it is really time in amateur equipment made 
in this day and age of firmware programmable radios to provide a proper working 
PL/DPL circuit with reverse burst capability and provide some flexibility in 
being able to program different PL/DPL tones for transmit and receive.
I am working on my first MSR2000 for amateur service and I was expecting the 
same results from it that we are seeing from the Micors. Maybe I am expecting 
too much, I will see how it comes out in the next couple weeks.

Joe - WA7JAW

--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "kc7stw" <kc7...@...> wrote:
> Hello again.
> I have a UHF MSR2000 up and running now.  Most of my radios have the reverse 
> burst in them.  But just about all ham grade radios do not.  Is there a way 
> to get rid of the squelch crash from the repeater when a non commercial grade 
> radio is used?
> Repeater is stock, and would like to try and keep it that way.  Hoping there 
> is maybe a jumper setting or a trick that someone might know.
> Single PL tone card in the repeater, card number trn073app on back, trn5073 
> on front.
> thanks

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