radi...@aol.com wrote:

Thanks Kevin,
I think you are on to something. The areas that are pinned down seem to be close to where the power supply wires enter the board from the underside. I am wondering if the wires are glued down with RTV or something. Cautious prying is still not getting me anywhere.

Get a friend. Using two solder guns (Weller 8200 or like) heat both joints where the feed-through pins come through. Pull straight up when you have both heated well enough that the solder is fully molten.

This process can be done with one gun/iron, but it's difficult at best; as you have to alternately heat and pry which puts a good bit of strain on the board until it becomes free. You could also try a de-soldering tool cleaning out the holes where the feed-throughs protrude from the board, but again, this can be difficult to remove the solder that lays under the board depending on the amount of heat you apply and the quality of your de-soldering pump.


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