> Sinad is done with a 1000 Hz tone at 3KHz deviation 
> and requires a meter that can notch out the 1K tone 
> and measure the remaining noise.
> 20dBQ is done with no modulation  2 Vac of sq noise 
> w/ no carrier then generate unmodulated carrier till 
> the ACVM indicates 0.2 Vac

Both the above are different from a signal with voice 
energy (speech). I have measured different receiver performance 
values with various test audio frequencies with varied deviation 
and what might be the best for real world operation could 
and does sometimes vary from the results you obtain using the 
above listed methods. 
> Proponets of the Sinad method claimed that their way of 
> doing the alignment would actually improve the overall 
> sensitivity since the radio was being tested while 
> receiving audio.  

Which is why I only use Sinad as one tool in the final 
alignment procedure. A 1KHz tone is quite different than 
real voice band audio. 


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