I just stumbled upon this: libldap-common missing in 
beanbag/reviewboard:6.0 and above.

This has a nasty consequence: Verification of LDAPS servers with non-public 
certificates is not possible anymore! Instead, RB will just report the very 
unspecific error:
 Error authenticating with LDAP: {'result': -1, 'desc': "Can't contact LDAP 
server", 'ctrls': [], 'info': '(unknown error code)'}

*Back-trace down to root-cause:*

   1. Certificate of LDAP server can't be verified -> No connection possible
   2. LDAP client library is *not* configured to access system-wide 
   certificates as located in /etc/ssl/certs (Should be configured in 
   /etc/ldap/ldap.conf, but whole directory is missing)
   3. Directory is missing, because package libldap-common is not installed
   4. Chain of dependencies leading to installation:
      1. RB 5.0 image: curl -> libcurl4 -> libldap-2.4-2 *-DEPENDS->* 
      2. RB 6.0 image:  curl -> libcurl4 -> libldap-2.5-0 *-RECOMMENDS->* 
      *=> Package libldap-common is not installed because its relationship 
      changed from "dependents" to "recommends":* 
      Before: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libldap-2.4-2 
      Now: https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy-updates/libldap-2.5-0  
      *and*  OS packages are installed with --no-install-recommends
For now, I'll live with explicitly installing libldap-common in my own 
image that is derived from beanbag/reviewboard:6.0. But IMO it would be 
better to solve this in the base image.

*Possible solutions:*
(a) Remove the --no-install-recommends from call to apt-get
+ No explicit installation of libldap-common necessary, reduces risk of 
similar issues with other packages in future
- May bloat the image with other packages that are neither wanted nor needed
(b) Explicitly install package libldap-common
+ Reduces risk of bloating the image and minimizes change in images

Any opinions on that? Anyway, 
the correct file to look at and may I open  a pull request for this right 
away or is it usual to discuss it first in this group?


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