> Sorry if this is a dupe, I accidentally sent this the first time from my
> work email which isn't a list member so it won't go through unless a
> moderator approves it so I thought it best to send it again.
> I can find the official maximum sizes for ext3 and GFS for RHEL5.x, but
> I'd like to know what the maximum size of an ext4 filesystem is for
> RHEL5.  I would like to create a >16TB filesystem, and I thought that
> ext4 would be the answer but so far I've only been able to extend the
> filesystem to 16TB.  I thought ext4 was supposed to break this limit, at
> least on 64-bit systems.
> Any information or hints out there?  If ext4 still has a 16TB limit then
> what are my options for a >16TB filesystem that's supported with RHEL5?
> Can I use GFS2 without the clustering, just as a straight, single system
> filesystem?
> Thanks,
> Tom
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While I can't confirm the veracity of the statement, a google search
turned up this bit of information.....

Large file system
    The ext4 filesystem can support volumes with sizes up to 1 exabyte
    <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4#cite_note-7> and files with sizes
    up to 16 terabytes. The current filesystem creation tools can only
    create a filesystem of 16TB. No information has been provided as to
    when this limitation will be removed.

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