ANNOUNCEMENTS and ARTICLES: http://pnews.org/art/art.shtml

In a message dated 4/12/2004 10:15:33 PM Central Standard Time, Snavon42 
Dafna, I admire your energy.  The Arab propaganda machine has succeeded in 
convincing people that there is not legitimacy in Jewish claims to land that was 
bought and paid for until they decided to get rid of us by force.  How can 
you explain this over and over again?  It was legitimate for the Arabs to 
conquer lands that were occupied by indigenous people, in Egypt and all of North 
Africa.  Now I understand that some of them are claiming Andalusia.  The world 
doesn't give a damn about what is legitimate or not legitimate.  All the 
powerful people just care about how much money they can make out of the Arab's and 
their oil.  They sold us down the river, that includes prominent American Wasp 
families, before and during WW2.

The only thing between Israel and destruction is Zahal.  Whenever anything 
happens the Arabs make it sound as if that event is the reason they are fighting 
against Israel.  It is as if their "struggle" begins again and again as they 
take a ride on the latest incident.

Anyway, Kol Hakavod Lach.  Sylvia Navon, NYC

Thank you for your words of support.  Luckily, there are people like you who 
CAN recognize propaganda when they hear it.  In point of fact, my information 
about the history of Israel has nothing whatsoever to do with politics (and 
certainly nothing to do with the Likud whom I am thoroughly disgusted with and 
have been for a long time although not as disgusted as I am with those Israeli 
traitors on the left!)  After all, I started studying history a long time 
before the present politicians -- American and Israeli -- were in power and I 
intend to continue long after they are out.

I have found that one of the best ways of learning history and 
differentiating it from propaganda (including that by your own side) is by studying 
An excellent site (which has nothing to do with Israel, btw) is a site called, 
appropriately enough, Historic Maps: http://www.epsaweb.org/historic_maps.htm  
Pick any one at random -- you will NOT find "Palestine" named as a separate 
country anywhere; the most you will find is that name given to the entire 
region -- without separate borders -- south of Syria and north of Egypt, as part of 
the Ottoman Empire. (http://www.epsaweb.org/images/1648.gif)  At the 
beginning of the Roman Empire, even the Romans referred to the area where Israel is 
now as JUDEA!!!  (http://www.epsaweb.org/images/0260.gif)  That map was drawn 
before they decided to eradicate all trace of the Jews and deliberately called 
it "Palestine" as an insult to the Jews.  (There is no mention of "Palestinian 
Arabs" as a separate people in any history books written prior to the 1970's 

The history of "Palestine", even as a modern political entity, and not just 
an amorphous area on the western edge of the Ottoman Empire, doesn't date back 
before WWI.  That was when the entire Ottoman empire was divided up (and 
almost all of the present Arab countries were formed!) and the British were given 
THERE!!!  Here are some of the actual words from the Mandate 
(http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/History/Palestine_Mandate.html) (You should note 
that there is no 
mention of forming a "Palestinian" country out of the Mandate at all.)  I've 
highlighted in red some particularly interesting ones.

<excerpt from Mandate>
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving 
effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, 
to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of 
the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, 
within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and 
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory 
should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on 
November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by 
the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home 
for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done 
which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non­Jewish 
communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in 
any other country; and 
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of 
the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their 
national home in that country; and 
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have selected His Britannic Majesty as 
the Mandatory for Palestine; and 
Whereas the mandate in respect of Palestine has been formulated in the 
following terms and submitted to the Council of the League for approval; and 
Whereas His Britannic Majesty has accepted the mandate in respect of 
Palestine and undertaken to exercise it on behalf of the League of Nations in 
conformity with the following provisions; and 
Whereas by the afore­mentioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that 
the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the 
Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, 
shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League Of Nations; confirming 
the said Mandate, defines its terms as follows: 
ARTICLE 1. The Mandatory shall have full powers of legislation and of 
administration, save as they may be limited by the terms of this mandate. 
ARTICLE 2. The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under 
such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the 
establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the 
development of self­governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil 
and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race 
and religion. 
<excerpt ends>
The "history" of the "Palestinian people" as a separate group of Arabs STARTS 
in 1964 with Arafat and the PLO; it wasn't even acknowledged by the Arab 
countries themselves until 1974 at the Rabat Conference.  Why don't you read it 
for yourself; a summary can be found at: http://countrystudies.us/jordan/16.htm. 
 (I've read the actual document in translation, btw. WHEW!)

<excerpt follows>
"The Rabat Summit conference in October 1974 brought together the leaders of 
twenty Arab states, including Hussein, and representatives of the PLO. PLO 
leaders threatened a walkout if their demands for unconditional recognition were 
not met. The PLO required a statement from the conference that any Palestinian 
territory liberated by Arab forces would be turned over to the "Palestinian 
people" as represented by their organization. Jordan protested, pointing out 
that recognition on these terms would give the PLO sovereignty over half of the 
population in the East Bank and that in fact the annexation of the West Bank 
had been approved by popular vote. 
[Note: I did not put in the quotes around "Palestinian people"; they are part 
of the original document!!!! Also, Jordan acknowledges that it ANNEXED the 
"West Bank"!!! DY] 
A compromise solution was adopted that nonetheless favored PLO interests. The 
conference formally acknowledged the right of the Palestinian people to a 
separate homeland, but without specifying that its territory was restricted to 
the West Bank. Most important, the PLO was for the first time officially 
recognized by all the Arab states as the "sole legitimate representative of the 
Palestinian people." The Arab heads of state also called for close cooperation 
between the front-line states and the PLO but prohibited interference by other 
Arab states in Palestinian affairs. 
The Rabat Summit declaration conferred a mantle of legitimacy on the PLO that 
was previously absent. It gave official Arab recognition to PLO territorial 
claims to the West Bank and unambiguously put the fate of the Palestinian 
people solely in the hands of the PLO. [Note: The PLO was recognized as a known 
terrorist organization in 1974! DY]  Hussein opposed the declaration, although he 
eventually signed it under intense Arab pressure and after the Arab 
oil-producing states promised to provide Jordan with an annual subsidy of $US300 
million. Despite his acquiescence to the Rabat declaration and subsequent statements 
in support of the PLO, Hussein persisted in viewing the declaration as an 
ambiguous document that was open to differing interpretations. The PLO, along 
with the rest of the Arab world, viewed Hussein's consent at Rabat as a 
renunciation of Jordanian claims to the West Bank. [Note: Even the Arab countries 
didn't recognize the "West Bank" as part of Jordan and it was not part of the 
original division given to Jordan from the Mandate. DY]  Hussein nonetheless 
continued to have aspirations concerning Jordanian control of the occupied 
territories. The wide gulf separating the two views was the major source of tension 
between the PLO and Jordan throughout the late 1970s and early 1980s. 
Following the Rabat Summit, the PLO scored an impressive political victory in 
the international arena. In late November 1974, the UN recognized PLO 
representation of the Palestinian people, [Note: That is less than 30 years ago!!! 
DY] and PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat addressed the General Assembly in Arabic, his 
pistol at his side. In addition, in a joint communiqué issued the same month, 
President Gerald R. Ford of the United States and General Secretary of the 
Communist Party of the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev acknowledged the "legitimate 
interests" of the Palestinians in accordance with the UN resolutions. 
Nonetheless, a UN draft resolution in 1976 proposing to reaffirm the right of the 
Palestinians to self-determination-- and including the right to establish an 
independent state--was vetoed in the Security Council by the United States, which 
called instead for a "reasonable and acceptable definition of Palestinian 
<excerpt ends>
Please note that the UN did NOT grant the PLO the right to an independent 
country (and they certainly couldn't have already had one or they wouldn't be 
claiming to seek one now!)  This was also the first time that there are official 
documents referring to a separate group of Arabs known as "Palestinians".
As to why I continue to "explain it over and over", it is because I know that 
my information is indeed useful and welcome to many people.  And, I add 
source references because some people insist on documents; the blood and sweat of 
generations of Israelis to build their country out of a barren land of deserts 
and swamps aren't enough, let alone the fact that they won the "territories" 
by defeating their enemies in wars (although that's good enough for other 
Just today, I received a letter from an unknown person who came across the 
JWD site and needs factual information.  This is how it began:
>Please advise me of a website that can be used as an intellectual >and 
direct counter attack to the articles that are posted on Jeff >Rense (Jeff 
non-sense) website.

Of course, I am happy to help this person out.  Maybe we'll even become 
friends (that also happens very frequently.)  You should also know that this is not 
an unusual situation by any means.  And this is what fuels my energy to 
continue to fight ignorance and bigotry that is too often disguised as "concern for 
human rights".

Thank you for taking the time to write to me.  I hope that you and your 
family are enjoying Matzah brei and having a wonderful Pesach.  

Kol tuv,

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