
On 26 Nov 2013 02:13, "Richard Henwood" <rjhenw...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to get my ipod sync'd with Rhythmbox 2.99.1 (Fedora 19)
> Rhythmbox works as expected - but the folder it creates on my ipod (4th
Gen, 8GB Nano) is given a lower case 'f' + a number, - not the expected
upper case 'F' plus a number. After renaming the folder to upper case, the
music is still not recognised by the ipod.
> I've dug around a bit myself... but I could really do with some pointers
to keep my investigation going.
> best regards,
> Richard

Afaik, this is irrelevant on vfat. The fs is case insensitive.

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