Apologies if this is old news to some, but something for the inorganic /
intermetallic types : the "Structure Tidy" program is available within
Ton Spek's Platon (since Dec 2004). Structure Tidy puts crystal
structures into standardized co-ordinates for comparison with other
structures (to check if identical or isotypic). 

Structure Tidy references:
 E.Parthe and L.M.Gelato (1984). Acta Cryst., A40, 169-183.
 L.M.Gelato and E.Parthe (1987). J. Appl. Cryst. 20, 139-143.
 S-Z.Hu and E.Parthe (2004). Chinese J. Struct. Chem. 23, 1150-1160.

(in the Platon Graphical menu - Structure Tidy is accessible at the
bottom of the middle set of menu options - and command line option
described at :

Platon - UNIX source code:



MS-Windows version ported by Louis Farrugia:


(and CCP14 mirrors via http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/tutorial/platon/ )
Platon reads a variety of formats, including Shelx, PDB and CIF files.


There is a recent paper on the usefulness of Structure Tidy, including
examples - such as three publised structure determinations of KNaV2O6
done in 1978, 1996 and 1999. The paper shows that the use of Structure
Tidy and MISSYM (incorporated into Platon as ADDSYM) makes it easy to
see that these are all the same structure.

Sheng-Zu Hu and Erwin Parthe
 Inorganic crystal structure data to be presented in a form more useful
 for further studies, 
  Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry 23 (10): 1150-1160 2004 

(This paper is dedicated to Prof K. R. Tasi of Xiamen University on the
occasion of his 90th birthday)

The paper mentions the ICSD "does not yet cover" intermetallic structures.
Intermetallics are convered by either the Pauling File (binary compounds
only) and the CrystMet database. Though if some intermetallic looking
compounds are officially classed as inorganics, they will most likely be
found in the ICSD. ICSD seems to be comprehensive on crystal structures
of pure elements.

  Pauling File :  http://www.asminternational.org/

  CrystMet     :  http://www.tothcanada.com/

  ICSD         :  http://www.fiz-informationsdienste.de/en/DB/icsd/

Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
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Mobile/Cell: 613 401 3433   WWW: http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/
        P.O. Box 2057, Deep River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1P0

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