This is a very sad day for the powder diffraction community. Any words I write 
here cannot add in any meaningful way to the email that was received by members 
of the mailing list earlier today.
What I can say is that discussions will start behind the scenes (and sometimes 
in front of them) to come up with a fitting way to remember his contributions 
through the coming generations. It should not be forgotten that there was a 
genuine person behind the genesis of the method that most of us use (and will 
continue to use) on a daily basis.

Best regards


Dr Pamela Whitfield MRSC CChem
Instrument Scientist – POWGEN
Spallation Neutron Source
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO Box 2008, MS-6475
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6475
 Tel: (865) 235-2605<tel:%28865%29%20235-2605>
Fax: (865) 574-6080<tel:%28865%29%20574-6080>

Chair: IUCr Commission on Powder Diffraction

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Alan Hewat
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 8:58 AM
Subject: The passing of Hugo Rietveld

The passing of Hugo Rietveld, on the 50th anniversary of Rietveld Refinement 
and the 100th anniversary of Powder Diffraction

It is our sad duty to report the death of Hugo Rietveld at the age of 84 after 
a short illness. He leaves behind his wife, a son and two daughters to whom we 
extend our heartfelt sympathy on behalf of the more than one thousand members 
of the Rietveld Mailing List.

Hugo was born on the 7 March 1932 in The Hague and migrated to Western 
Australia with his family, where in 1957 he enrolled at the University of WA at 
the same time as Brian O’Connor and Syd Hall.  He obtained his Ph.D. under the 
supervision of Ted Maslen who had studied under Dorothy Hodgkin at Oxford. Hugo 
pioneered single crystal neutron diffraction at Lucas Heights Sydney with Terry 
Sabine, and their first paper was published in Nature in 1961.

Clews C J B, Maslen E N, Rietveld H M and Sabine T M (1961) Nature 192 
“X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Examination of p-Diphenylbenzene"

Hugo's experience with manual data collection and refinement convinced him of 
the need to computerise such tasks, and at Lucas Heights and the UWA he 
programmed two of the first IBM-1620 
 in Fortran-II. After obtaining his Ph.D. in 1964 with Dorothy Hodgkin as 
external examiner, (she had received the Nobel Prize for her work on penicillin 
and vitamin B12), he joined the neutron diffraction group of the Reactor 
Centrum Nederland in Petten and his interest turned to powder diffraction 
because large single crystals were not available for the inorganic materials of 

The young group at Petten including Bert Loopstra, Bob van Laar and Hugo 
Rietveld first addressed the problem of overlapping powder reflections by using 
a relatively long neutron wavelength (2.6 Å) with a pyrolytic graphite filter. 
This spread out the long d-spacing peaks, allowing more of them to be resolved, 
and is still a good solution for the magnetic structures in which they were 
interested. However, for structure refinement many peaks were still unresolved, 
and the shorter d-spacings needed for high atomic resolution could not even be 

In a 1966 paper, Hugo already used intensities from overlapping Bragg peaks. 
Along with others with the same problem, he then tried to fit multiple peaks to 
overlapping regions, but with limited success. As well, a neutron powder 
pattern took a whole week to collect, and the local Electrologica-X1 
computer<> was less powerful than 
the IBM-1620 - and programmed in Algol.  It was there and then that the 
brilliantly simple but profound idea arose of refining the crystal structure 
together with the parameters describing the peak positions and profiles all 
together, as published in the famous 1969 paper.

Rietveld H M (1969) Journal of Applied Crystallography 22 
“A profile refinement method for nuclear and magnetic structures”

Hugo distributed his Algol refinement 
 widely, but very few papers were initially published using the method. 
Discouraged by the limited funding available for neutron diffraction, he 
successfully applied to become head of the library department at Petten.

One of us (AH), who had also completed his Ph.D. at Lucas Heights in 1970 and 
who had moved to Harwell, encountered the same problems with neutron 
diffraction for structural transitions. On the advice of George Bacon, AH 
visited Hugo in 1971 and brought back Hugo's new Fortran-II version of the 
profile refinement program. A Harwell 
 modified to model the anisotropic vibrations preceding structural transitions, 
was very successful, both at Harwell and with Brian Fender's students at 
Oxford, in particular Tony Cheetham and Bob von Dreele.

In 1973, when the UK joined the EEC and AH moved to ILL in Grenoble, another 
Oxford student (WIFD) performed his first neutron powder experiments on AH's 
new D1A high resolution diffractometer, where a powder pattern took only one 
day to collect, and later only one hour. Again this work was very successful, 
and the number of papers using what Terry Sabine, in 1978, christened the 
"Rietveld Method" exploded, supported by new computer programs including those 
of the early Oxford-Grenoble champions Bob von Dreele and Juan 
Rodriguez-Carvajal. Yet it was not until 1977 that R.A. Young and colleagues 
applied the method to X-ray powder diffraction, leading to further rapid growth 
in the number of publications. Thousands of X-ray publications using Rietveld 
Refinement are now published every year.

Perhaps the greatest acknowledgement of Hugo’s work was his receipt of the 1995 
Aminoff Prize, awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Two of us (AH 
and WIFD), along with Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal and Ivar Olovsson, were there to 
witness Hugo, accompanied by his wife and children, receive his accolade from 
the King of Sweden with typical modesty, delight and genuine astonishment at 
the pervasive influence of his Method across the sciences around the world. And 
beyond the world - in December 2012 he was thrilled to receive an e-mail from 
David Blake of the CheMin team of the Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity, 
who wrote saying that he did not think they could have convinced NASA to send 
an X-ray powder diffractometer to Mars without the Rietveld Method.

After almost 50 years, the Rietveld Method has returned to its origins in the 
Netherlands, with the third of us (LvE) completing a fast new high resolution 
neutron powder diffractometer (PEARL) on the Delft reactor. Hugo Rietveld lived 
to see that, and last year was the guest of honour at the opening of this new 
diffractometer. He, who had been honoured throughout the world for his 
achievement, was honoured in his own country by a new generation working with 
neutron powder diffraction and Rietveld Refinement.

Having achieved all of that, and with a loving family and friends, he will 
surely rest in peace.
Alan Hewat (AH), Bill David (WIFD) and Lambert van Eijck (LvE) July 2017
   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
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