Dear all,

I am trying magnetic structure refinement by Fullprof using ToF neutron data.
Does anyone know the definition of absorption parameters,  ABS: ABSCOR1  
ABSCOR2 in PCR files of Fullprof?

I cannot find the physical meaning of the parameters, ABSCOR1  ABSCOR2,  on the 
manual, relative documents, or in this mailing list.
Perhaps, for the absorption correction, the 1/v rule must be used.  I think 
that an absorption coefficient, muR, at a particular energy must be given to 
Fullprof, but I cannot find such information.

The sample shape was cylindrical, thus, I set Iabscor=2.

Thank you for your kind help in advance.


Faculty of Science and Engineering 
Ibaraki University
HItachi, Japan

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