Dear colleagues,


I use Rietveld method for quantitative phase analysis. I use Topas 5 and now I 
have started using 

Spherical Harmonics for correction of preferred orientation (instead of 
March-Dollas correction).

I mainly collect data in Bragg-Brentano geometry; samples are usually prepared 
by front or side-loading.


My question is: Which order of Spherical Harmonics do you recommend to use for 
the purpose of QPA? i.e. for mineral phases like calcite, mica, feldspars, 
plagioclase, kaolinite? 

(Most atomic position are usually fixed, refined are only scale factors, 
unit-cell parameters, size, Debye-Waller parameters…).   


I know that using high order Spherical Harmonic may lead to nice fits, however 
with meaningless results and therefore the high orders should be used with 

I observe the drop of Rwp when introducing the Spherical Harmonics correction 
and when it becomes insignificant, than I reduce the order. E.g. for calcite, 
it is order of 2, for kaolinite order of 4 (i.e. using higher order lead only 
to insignificant drop of Rwp). 


Your suggestions, experiences and comments are welcome.


Frantisek Laufek

Czech Geological Survey,


Czech Republic 

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