We use capillary heating device from Huber
attached to non-Huber diffractometer.
A bit costly, but readily available.
All you need to get running is some sort of adapter to attach the heater
to the diffractometer - simple task for mechanical workshop.

> Dear Rietveld users,
> We would like to buy or to built an heater system for our laboratory
> system (Empyrean equipped in transmission with capillary). The aim is to
> reach 200-300�C, this is mainly for organic compounds. I have few
> questions : if we use an air blower is there any problem for the
> goniometer ? In comparison with air blower found in large instrument
> (ESRF, ďż˝..)
> Does anyone has constructed is own system (infrared heating system ?
> External Kapton shield ?...)
> Thank in advance for the answers and discussions
> Fran�ois
> --
> **************************************************************************
> *******************
> Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE
> e-mail: francois.gouteno...@univ-lemans.fr
> Tel:
> FAX:
> D�partement des Oxydes et Fluorures
> Institut des Mol�cules et des Mat�riaux du Mans
> IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283
> Universitďż˝ du Maine - Avenue Olivier Messiaen
> F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9
> **************************************************************************
> *******************
> Formation Rietveld CNRS
> https://cnrsformation.cnrs.fr/stage.php?stage=17082
> Formation SASX CNRS
> https://cnrsformation.cnrs.fr/stage.php?stage=17228
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