Hi all

I've been looking around for a textbook for the course that I run on XRD.
It's a 6 week course, 2 hr lecture + 2 hr lab/tutorial per week.

The focus of the course is to get hands-on with the students, so over the
course of the course, the prepare a (simple) sample, collect data, do phase
ID, and a Rietveld quant analysis.
The theory side of things covers an intro to crystallography, intro to
Powder diffraction, instrument geometry and aberrations, data collection,
structure factors, indexing, and Rietveld.

I've been pulling things together from Cullity, K&A, Young, Jenkins &
Snyder, and a few others

I've just found this book: Pecharsky, V. K., and P. Y. Zavalij. 2009.
Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of
Materials. 2nd ed: Springer.

It seems pretty good.

Any other suggestions?

Matthew Rowles
Lecturer | Department of Physics and Astronomy

Curtin University
Tel | +61 8 9266 9069
Fax | +61 8 9266 2377

Email | matthew.row...@curtin.edu.au
Web | http://curtin.edu.au
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