Hi Matthew,

About the form factors : there is an active community doing "Quantum Crystallography" or charge density analysis with the IUCr. Some of them have been running a nice series of online lectures recently:


You can find many experts there, and there are also recordings on youtube. For Al2O3 there should be several charge density studies in the literature. Extinction is usually discussed, as well as f' and f" values. More accurate data is a continuing need for that kind of work, so perhaps a combined refinement of powder and single crystal data can be interesting.

For Al2O3: this paper (https://doi.org/10.1107/S0567739482001478) gives Al:1.32+ and O:0.88-. You can probably find other numbers in the literature.



On 22/02/2023 04:14, Matthew Rowles wrote:
Warning, anecdote ahead! (and this wasn't the point of my original post...)

I get better (flatter difference plot) fits with SRM676A using charged atoms (Al+3, O-2) than I do with neutral. (Co Ka, lab BB diffractometer)
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