On 7 Jun 2006, at 18:22, Geert Bevin wrote:

Wait a minute.. I remember that thread!
So you got ripped by whom, Wicket people? Being flamed by Wicket people

Yeah, they actually went as far as having me implement an example of stateful components because they wouldn't believe me. RIFE, according to them, was just as a regular action framework. Now I have to admit that the code I pasted was based on the current work- in-progress version of RIFE, but it worked ;-)

I don't understand why they would even ask for an example; it is not that hard adding state to an embedded element. Anyway, the truth is, although components are possible with RIFE, there is still a lot of work to be done to make it easy for developers to create generic components. The ordered processing of embedded elements is a good move towards that, but other features will be necessary. I am sure you are already aware of those.

is like a cow's opinion - it doesn't matter. :-)

Ow. Wicket has got quite some nice ideas and approaches. I think that RIFE can still steal some things from them (though not much) ;-)

Exactly what I wrote in my last post: Wicket is well thought of and should be kept on the radar.



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