On 18 Jun 2006, at 09:20, Steven Grimm wrote:

I feel like I'm fumbling around in the dark with RIFE. How are other people coming up to speed on this framework? I'm finding myself spending five times as long searching (often fruitlessly) for documentation as I'm spending actually getting work done. (It's the "fruitlessly" part that really irks me.) Right now my bugaboo is database authentication; there seems to be very little documentation on how it actually works in practice, just an example element configuration in the user's guide.

I've written a blog entry on my experience so far:


Hopefully nothing too unwarranted there; sorry if it raises anyone's hackles, but I'm not a very happy RIFE camper at the moment.



It is unfortunate that your first post on the mailing list is to announce a blog entry ranting about your irks with RIFE. Most of us use the mailing list as a second source of documentation when the Wiki does not provide the answer.

In the future, feel free to ask your questions here, and you will be amazed how responsive the mailing list members are.




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