I think there is a meaningful savings in hard drive space.  A typical
FLAC file might be 30 MB, whereas the same song as a 320 MP3 is maybe 6
MB.  That's a quarter of what the FLAC file is.

I realize memory is getting cheaper all the time, but still . . . if
you are achiving hundreds or thousands of songs, I think the space
between the two is substantial.

The other issue is encoding multiple times for various purposes.  Right
now I encode as FLAC for home listening on my main system, but if I want
to grab an iPod and go, I need to recode as an MP3.  It would be easier
to just have one folder of songs that serve a variety of situations. 
An MP3 encoded with LAME at 320 kps would handle both scenarios -- it's
just a question of whether the sound quality REALLY supports going

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