Hi again,

so these are the steps that I have followed in creating the installation 

0) It seems best to root the installation in a drive other than C:\ (otherwise 
there are some problems when moving the RKWard.lnk, later on).
1) Create a directory "RKWard".
2) Use the regular KDE for windows installer to install KDE to RKWard\KDE. As 
usual, select MinGW4 as compiler. I installed kdebase-apps and dependencies. 
We could save a (small) amount of space by installing only kdebase-runtime, 
but I thought adding "kwrite" might be useful in its own right.
3) Use the regular R installer to install R to RKWard\R.
4) Use the install_rkward_0.5.3.exe-installer to install RKWard
5) Edit RKWard\KDE\bin\rkward.bat to use a relative path for the R_BINARY 
6) Fire up R (or RKWard) in the installation, and install the R2HTML-package.
7) Create a link to rkward.bat, and place it in RKWard. Use 
RKWard\KDE\bin\rkward.ico as icon.
8) Place a copy of the GPL v2 and the Readme.html (my current version is 
attached; I suppose we should place it in SVN /doc, somewhere) in RKWard.
9) Use 7zip to zip it up in a self-extracting archive.

Notes: The KDE and R installations can probably be scripted. Meik said he 
succesfully used wine to do the installations (did not work for me, but my 
wine configuration is probably broken). This would allow us to wrap most of 
this process in a shell-script (or a .bat).

1) Create a directory "Sources" with subdirectories KDE, RKWard, R.
2) Place the R sources in R. Remember to also download the relevant 
3) Place the RKWard sources in RKWard.
4) To fetch the relevant KDE sources, I used the attached shell-script (you 
may need to adjust the paths at the top of the file).
5) Place a copy of the GPLv2, and another Readme.html (attached) in the 
6) I used tar to wrap it all up. Since this mostly contains .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, 
and .zip files, an extra compression does not really help. I did not create a 
self-extracting .exe, deliberately, to avoid potential confusion on what 
regular users should download, as much as possible.

Title: Readme: RKWard installation bundle

RKWard installation bundle

This is a bundle of KDE for Windows, R for Windows, and RKWard for windows. The purpose is to make installation of RKWard as easy as possible on Windows

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


To install, simply double click the .exe. You will be prompted for a directory to install to. This could be C:\Programs\, but also a host of other options, including a network share or USB drive. A subdirectory "RKWard" will be created in this path, and all files installed in there. Note that R works best when installed to a path without spaces.

You may want to drag the "RKWard"-icon to your desktop after installation (it will be called "RKWard.lnk", if filename extensions are shown). Use this to start RKWard.


Double click the "RKWard" icon.


To remove all program files, simply delete the unpacked directory. If you copied the "RKWard" icon to your desktop, delete it there, too.

If you also want to purge any settings and files, remove the hidden directories ".kde" and ".rkward" in your application data directory. Warning: Do not do this, if you have any other installation of RKWard or KDE on your system, which you would like to keep, or you have created any RKWard output that you would like to keep.

Nothing is written to the registry, so no need to clean up, there.


For problems with RKWard on Windows, refer to http://p.sf.net/rkward/windows . For problems specific to KDE or R, please refer to http://www.kde.org, and http://www.r-project.org, respectively.


This bundle may be copying, modified, and redistributed subject to the terms of the General Public Licence (GPL) version 2, a copy of which is included inside the bundle as a file named "COPYING" (also available from Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA). Individual portions of this bundle may also allow redristibution under alternative terms, but you should refer to their sources for details.


Source code for all portions of this bundle should be available from the same source where you downloaded this bundle. (Redistributors, if needed, provide your own instructions, here, in accordance with ยง3 of the GPL version 2). However, if you are interested in the source distribution for practical, rather than legal, reasons, we recommend you refer to the following places, instead:

Attachment: fetch_kde_sources.sh
Description: application/shellscript

Title: Readme: RKWard source bundle

RKWard source bundle

This is a bundle of source files for KDE for Windows, R for Windows, and RKWard for windows. It should contain all source files needed to build the corresponding RKWard installation bundle.

However, if you are interested in these sources for practical, rather than legal, reasons, we recommend you refer to the following places, instead:

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.


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