
On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Thomas Friedrichsmeier
<thomas.friedrichsme...@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Monday 21 June 2010, Prasenjit Kapat wrote:
>> RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("rk.record.plot$onDelDevice ("
>> + QString::number (device_number) + ')', RCommand::App, i18n ("Add
>> current plot before closing device number %1", device_number),
>> error_dialog);
> Ok, will do this. But it may take a few days.
> dev.off() (which is also called by graphics.off()) will have to be handled in 
> R.

I do have a wrapper around dev.off: testable as soon as the bug is
taken care of.

>> 1. The disable parts haven't been implemented yet. Right now, once you
>> reach either end nothing is replayed.
> Can you arrange for some function to be called whenever the history-length or
> position changes? Then I can take care of updating the state of the menu
> items.

Sure, let me know what you want the function to do?

>> Opinions, suggestions, criticisms are welcomed.
> Looks pretty neat, already! Some comments and wishlist:
> - Keeping one global history seems reasonable to me.
> - dev.interactive() or deviceIsInteractive() might help in figuring out which
> devices to ignore. Or perhaps, adding a call to onAddDevice() in
> rk.screen.device() will allow to keep a list of devices to watch. Note that
> RKWard preview windows should probably also be ignored (.rk.preview.devices).
> - Perhaps it would be useful to track the creation time or even the main title
> of each plot (if you can find a way to do that). Then we could additionally
> offer a drop-down list of the plots in the history.
> - internal.R and public.R are really getting crowded. Perhaps you can split
> all graphics functions into one or more separate files? ("svn add" to add the
> new files to SVN).
> - Some (configurable) way to limit the number/memory size of plots kept in
> history would be nice.

Great. I'll look into these in the next few days.


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