
On Tuesday 30 July 2013 16:45:21 Birk Diedenhofen wrote:
> I ran into the following issue with my rkward plugin. I'm trying to show
> and hide GUI elements depending on the value of a spinbox. If the
> spinbox value is zero, the text element stating "spinbox value is zero"
> should be shown on the following wizard page (see code example below).
> If the spinbox value is not zero, the text element stating "spinbox
> value is not zero" should be shown. However, irrespective of the spinbox
> value, I always get "spinbox value is not zero".

It's a rounding / floating point precision issue. One of the zeros is not 
quite the same as the other, for some reason. For the moment, the best 
workaround will be to use 

  value.is.zero.convert <- 
  mode=c(min=-0.0000001, max=0.0000001),

Probably for real-mode equality comparisons something along these lines should 
be done automatically, internally.

BTW: No need to define complementary converts. Simply use

  rk.XML.connect(governor=value.is.zero.convert, not=TRUE,
  client=spinbox.value.is.not.zero, set="visible")

(For those not using rkwarddev: This uses the ".not" sub-property of the 


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