On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, George Phillips wrote:

> Yes, they are extremely useful.  But they're just rules that take
> the stuff you used to get the current page and some relative stuff to
> construct new stuff -- all done by the browser.  The web server only
> understands pure, unadulterated, unrelative stuff.

Not necessarily so. Apache understands /some/../other .
Although Netscape will rewrite a link "../other" on page
"http://some.site/some"; to be http://some.site/other";

I guess this is "unrelative" since it must begin with a "/",
but "pure, unadulterated" ??

(Oh, and of course some servers will allow "../../cmd.exe?hack+me"
and such ....)

I did wonder if HTTP/1.1 allowed relative URLs during a single
connection, but I think not (at least, Apache 1.3.14 doesn't)
GET /some/long/path/page.html HTTP/1.1
Host: some.site
Close-Connection: false

GET page2.html
Host: some.site
Close-Connection: false

(I was guilty at some point of asking people to include trailing 
slashes, as I was checking status on a submission page without
following redirects)

Recent Apache allows you to select a redirect status, so I've
tried a 301 permanent redirect  from http://lin00.triumf.ca
to http://www.triumf.ca
(I thought I'd done this before, but apparently not)
In theory robots should save the redirected URL not the
original in this case

Andrew Daviel

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