In response to the questions on this list, my company has developed a spider that takes keywords as selected by the operator, and seeks them on the Web.
It is Perl-based, and you need Access or SQL to use it.
I haven't priced it for sale as of yet, so if you're interested, feel free to e-mail me off-list. I'm leaning towards licensing it on a per-site basis, but I'm open to suggestions.
Jeff Young
- -----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 2:11 AM
Subject: Re: How to write a spider/robot/bot.


I am looking for a spider that will extract
email addresses from AOL, Hotmail,
Juno, ATT, and all the ISPs.
Tell me if you know the source.

Arun Tyagi wrote:

> Hi there,
> Well all the experts out there.I have the following questions:
> 1.)How to start work on robots.
> 2.)How to make a spider to whih you can give key words and it
> searches sites which you provide as a list . 3.)Whether someone can
> sell me the entire spider. I am willing to pay decently, if money
> is the answer. 4.)Is there any freely available spider which I can
> customise ( open source).
> expecting answers soon.
> peace.
> Arun Tyagi

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