-------- Original Message --------
Subject: www.perl.com: Beginners Intro to Perl - Part 6 - 01/15/2001
Resent-Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 01:01:33 -0800
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:19:54 -0800
From: "www.perl.com update" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

          www.perl.com update
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Hello, perl.com subscribers.

* Perl News

Quite a few interesting things have happened in the past two weeks.

First, the venue and Call for Patricipation have been announced for
YAPC 2001, which will be held in Montreal this year.  See
http://www.yapc.org/America/ for complete details and breaking news.

Second, in case you hadn't seen it yet, Damian Conway has started
the Conway Channel, a web site which will report on his year of
working on Perl.  As you may recall, Damian received a grant from
Yet Another Society to take a year off from teaching and do nothing
but write Perl modules and travel around and give talks.  (If you
contributed, thank you again, and note that YAS recently received
501(3)(c) status, so your contribution may be tax-deductible.)
The Conway Channel is available at:


Finally, I got the following message from Jon Orwant, editor of the
Perl Journal:

         January 2, 2001

         Some folks have been asking me about the status of The Perl
         Journal #20, and prospective authors have been asking me
         about deadlines for future issues.  The answers: TPJ #20 is
         in press and ready to print, but EarthWeb (the owner of TPJ)
         has told the printer to stop the presses until further
         notice.  I am currently responding to proposals sent to me
         with approximately "I don't know if there's going to be
         another issue, but when I do I'll respond to your proposal."

         Since the future of the magazine is in doubt, I can't in
         good conscience greenlight proposals; I will not encourage
         an author to spend weeks writing an article when I know
         that it might never be printed.  So I've told people who've
        asked what I know about the current situation: while
        EarthWeb has sold many of its properties to internet.com so
        that it can focus on "career services", it has not sold TPJ.
        However, EarthWeb has also made it clear that they don't
        want to publish TPJ any more.

         This story has started to leak out to the Perl community and
         has already mutated a bit in not-quite-correct directions,
         so I wanted to write this note to set the record straight.
         Or as straight as I can, given what little I know about
         EarthWeb's decisions.

         While TPJ's future is very much up in the air, people
         shouldn't take this as any indicator about Perl itself.
         TPJ was doing just fine back when I ran it, there's no
         shortage of content out there, and the magazine could easily
         go bimonthly and then monthly -- indeed, when EarthWeb
         acquired TPJ I had thought that was the plan.  I still enjoy
         the editing, the authors enjoy the writing, and the
         designers enjoy the designing.  What happens now is up to
         EarthWeb.  And no, I'm not suggesting that people bombard
         them with email.  Heck, they just laid off 100 people, so
         I'm not even sure who to bombard.  Eventually there will be
         some resolution, and when there is I'll write again to let
         everyone know.

         As of December 27th, this matter is now in the courts, and
         so I have to adopt the "just the facts" tone of this letter
         without portraying my opinions.  Someday I'll be able to
         talk more about what is happening in these strange days;
         until then, you'll have to conjure up your own adjectives on
         my behalf.


         Jon Orwant

* What's New on the Site?

In the sixth (and last) part of his series on Perl for beginning
programmers, Doug Sheppard talks about how to get Perl to detect and
warn about errors.  See


Also, Simon has (as usual) contributed a report on recent p5p


Thank you all. I will be in touch again next week.

Mark-Jason Dominus

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Article: Beginners Intro to Perl - Part 6
Doug Sheppard shows us how to activate Perl's built in security

Article: What every Perl programmer needs to know about .NET
A very brief explanation of Microsoft's .NET project and why it's

Article: Beginners Intro to Perl - Part 5
Doug Sheppard discusses object-oriented programming in part five
of his series on beginning Perl.

Article: Why I Hate Advocacy
Are you an effective Perl advocate? Mark Dominus explains why you
might be advocating Perl the wrong way.

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