-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Perl.com Newsletter: Designing a Search Engine
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 17:40:00 -0700
From: Perl Newsletter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Perl Newsletter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

          www.perl.com update
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Greetings, perl.com subscribers.

This is Schuyler Erle, web hacker for the O'Reilly Network, and it
is my honor and pleasure to bring you the latest www.perl.com
newsletter. So, without returning an error in $@, here's what's new
in the world of Perl.

* Perl at large.

Monday was a banner day for perl releases! In the morning, Gurusamy
Sarathy announced the release of the long-awaited perl 5.6.1. Later
on in the day, Jarkko Hietaniemi, pumpking for perl 5.7, announced
perl 5.7.1, the latest development release. What's the difference,
you ask? Jarkko says:

     Development releases introduce new features, as opposed to
     maintenance releases. Perl 5.6.1... is a maintenance release.
     Maintenance releases contain only bug fixes and non-disruptive

     In development releases more extensive changes take place, both
     externally and internally.  Some of these changes may break
     backward compatibility, for example by changing behaviour, by
     introducing new warnings or errors, or by breaking binary

In other words, if you want to upgrade perl on a production box, you
should probably stick with 5.6.1. However, Perl 5.7.1 integrates some
promising new(er) features, such as PerlIO, and includes many new
modules with distribution, such as the infamous and dreaded Switch.pm
module. These new features all need thorough testing, so don't
hesitate to get in there & get your hands dirty if you've an interest.

At any rate, congratulations to both Sarathy and Jarkko on their fine
work! You can get copies of either distribution at your local CPAN
mirror, and read the announcements at:

http://archive.develooper.com/perl5-porters%40perl.org/msg24783.html (5.6.1)

http://archive.develooper.com/perl5-porters%40perl.org/msg24811.html (5.7.1)

In other news, congratulations also to Jon Orwant, who reports finally
this week that The Perl Journal will be returning, after all. On
use.perl.org, he writes:

     I expect to find a permanent publisher for it shortly, but ...
     the magazine will definitely continue. Issue #20 (which has been
     in press since December) will be printed and mailed in short order,
     and I'm once again accepting article proposals.

More information will be posted to both www.tpj.com and use.perl.org
(and very likely this newsletter), as it becomes available. Great
news for everyone who's enjoyed this fine publication over the past
few years.

Also, this past week, ActiveState announced the release of Komodo
1.0, an IDE for Perl & Python built on Mozilla, as well as the grand
opening of their ActiveState Programmer's Network. If you're
interested in such things, you can find out more about these
developments at:


* What's new on www.perl.com?

This week, Peter Sergeant presents a case study in Perl application
development in "Designing a Search Engine." Within the context of a
set of particular (and not too-uncommon) project requirements, he
dissects the problems of indexing data and parsing search terms in
building web-based full-text search applications in Perl. Also
discussed is the use of conventional modules from CPAN such as
Search::Dict and Text::Balanced, and how they can go a long way
towards solving these sorts of problems.

As always, Simon Cozens is sure to be found around here somewhere.
The latest installment of his perl5-porters digest may even hit the
stands by the time you read this.

Also, be sure to tune in next week, when we (hope to) return with
another episode of Larry's Perl Apocalypse! Until then, distinguished
Perl hackers! We return you to your regularly scheduled E-mail.


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Designing a Search Engine
Pete Sergeant discusses two elements of designing a search
engine: how to store and retrieve data efficiently, and how to
parse search terms.

Off The Wall: Apocalypse 1: The Ugly, the Bad, and the Good
With breathless expectation, the Perl community has been waiting
for Larry Wall to reveal how Perl 6 is going to take shape. In
the first of a series of "apocalyptic" articles, Larry reveals
the ugly, the bad, and the good parts of the Perl 6 design

A Simple Gnome Panel Applet
Build a useful Gnome application in an afternoon! Joe Nasal
explains some common techniques, including widget creation,
signal handling, timers, and event loops.

Chromatic makes a case for using DBI and shows how it works well
in the same situations as DBIx::Recordset.

Article: Creating Modular Web Pages With EmbPerl
If you have ever wished for an "include" HTML tag to reuse large
chunks of HTML, you are in luck. Neil Gunton explains how
Embperl solves the problem.

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ONLamp.com helps you optimize your use of the open source web platform.
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