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Hello, world! This is Simon Cozens, managing editor,
bringing you the latest goings on from the world of Perl and our
own site.

* Perl at large.

As reported last week, Perl is progressing steadily towards Perl
5.8.0.  Jarkko's released Perl 5.7.3, the last developer release
before 5.8.0.  Now's the time to pick it up, experiment with it
and see if you can break it before the new stable release.
     http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg74215.html

A warning for those using WWW::Search-style modules: Google has
requested that WWW::Search::Google be removed from CPAN, as it
was linked to some violations of their terms of service. Basically,
most web search sites don't mind well-behaved scraper modules, but
it's horribly easy to write a badly-behaved one. Be careful and be
courteous out there. Here's the full story:

And finally, how about a Perl song?

* What's new on

Bryan Warnock brings us coverage of what's been going on with
Perl 6 development for the past few weeks. We've seen information
about the .NET CLR and what it means for Parrot people; how
topicalizers work in Perl 6; and someone having a rant about the
lack of Parrot Design Documents... oh, that was me...

Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam... No, it's not an
introduction to Python for Perl programmers, (although I hope to
bring you one of those soon) but a guide to escaping that
ever-present nuisance of online life these days, junk email.
SpamAssassin and Vipul's Razor are two tools that are extremely
effective in the fight against spam, and they're both pure Perl.
This week's article shows you how to deploy them and make your
inbox just that little bit emptier.



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*** Featured Articles ***

Stopping Spam with SpamAssassin
SpamAssassin and Vipul's Razor are two Perl-based tools that can
be used to dramatically reduce the number of junk emails you need
to see.


Why mod_perl?
In the first of a series of articles from mod_perl guru, Stas
Bekman, we begin by taking a look at what mod_perl is and what
it can do for us.


Preventing Cross-site Scripting Attacks
Paul Lindner, author of the mod_perl Cookbook, explains how to
secure our sites against Cross-Site Scripting attacks using
mod_perl and Apache::TaintRequest.


Optimizing Your Perl
Is your perl program taking too long to run? This might be because
you've chosen a data structure or algorithm that takes a long time
to run. By rethinking how you've implemented a function, you might
be able to realize huge gains in speed.

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Brian Mathis
Direct Edge

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