Would anybody here be interested in working on a project with me to build 
an IRC bot for people who play the game America's Army?  


I'd like to build a bot to sit on the #americasarmy channel on
irc.homelan.com and provide the following services:

- return the status of a given player
- return the "honor" of a given player
- return the current server of a given active player

If possible, I would also like to to server as an AA knowlege base, much 
like purl does on #perl.  (Or it used to, I haven't been on #perl in 

I built a similar tool years ago when I did more frequent Perl hacking.  
Back then I used purl as my building block and built up from there.  My
bot was named "tux" and he served as a toy and an interactive FAQ for the
group I was working with.  (We did tech support and before searching the 
knowlege base we would sometimes ask "tux" questions and occasionally get 
good answers.)

There are serveral websites that publish the information needed for the
player queries.  What I plan to do is use LWP to grab the data and tie it
all together with a good bot tool.

So far I'm using Bot::BasicBot and I've got it to connect to the IRC
server, join the test channel, and to acknolwledge communications.


I've also started fooling around with Perlbot.  It seems a bit more 
powerful than Bot::BasicBot.


Well, if you're interested, give me a shout.

Shawn Porter

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