Jonas H wrote:

Magnus Holmgren wrote:
Every time I run genlang -u (under Cygwin), I get a bunch of error
messages like these, seemingly for every existing string in the
translated file:

Warning: dest before line 8507 lacks quotes!
Warning: source before line 8507 lacks quotes!
Warning: voice before line 8507 lacks quotes!

Am I the only one, or is this genlang quirk? The generated file looks
fine, despite that genlang, when run in verbose mode, says this for the
"failing" strings:

I've reported this as FS#5437 a while ago. I'm using Linux and Perl 5.8.8.

And I've now figured out why this happens. If you don't specify a target with "-t", you get the above messages. The problem is in the parsetarget function; if it doesn't find a matching target, it will set the strref to an empty string.

As currently implemented, the checks for the strings "none" and "deprecated", as well as the syntax check, isn't useful when doing an update - since they'd only be applied to the specified target - and should be disabled, IMHO.


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