On Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 9:18 AM Solomon Peachy via rockbox-dev <
rockbox-dev@cool.haxx.se> wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 11:13:36AM +0100, Baptiste BARON via rockbox-dev
> wrote:
> > *Forums : Same as above, dump the database and mirror the forums on a
> third
> > GitHub branch (github.com/Rockbox/rockbox-forums). We might ensure a
> > transition with an update later on.
> IMO, migrating the existing forums is a largely pointless affair; nuke
> 'em from orbit and create something new, if at all.  :)
I think that the people who worked so hard on the project
historically should be rewarded (and in rare cases, for mistakes, punished)
for their efforts.  Thus, the forums need to be preserved. Also, otherwise,
people will be forced to waste reinventing the wheel on projects and ideas
that don't work, and they will have to re-learn what others pioneers
expended time on.

I am happy to host rockbox.org as an additional domain using options
normally afforded via cpanel.  Obviously, some features would need to be
scrapped.  The conversions of old materials need not be 100% perfect IMO.
Just let's preserve word search capacities, somehow.

> > * Gerrit : Is it easy to setup once the main repo is GitHub ? What is
> used
> > for the CI ? Can the CIs be migrated as well ? May we see the code
> somewhere
> AFAIK using gerrit means gerrit has to host the code, period.  Gerrit's
> flow is largely incompatible with a GH-style pull-request model.
> It's not agreed upon that keeping Gerrit is worth it overall, but
> migrating the existing patch backlog is likely to be a challenge.  Some
> (most?) of it is irrelevant but a lot of it isn't.
> The CI/build system is home-grown, its code resides on git.rockbox.org,
> and isn't really compatible with any existing CI flow.  I really don't
> think it's worth rewriting, if only because it's a decent amount of
> work, what exists today works very, well, and the bulk of the builders
> are maintained by currently-active developers.

Sadly I don't know enough about this to comment how it can be used to work
via my relatively limited cpanel interface, but I'm agreeing to host it and
might need some help from others to know what to do.

> All that said, at the end of the day, talk is cheap, and it's going to
> take someone stepping up to do the actual work.

Agreed.  I don't think I spend more than 10 minutes writing this email.
Jason Taylor
301-277-1909 (Work Landline Telephone) 240-471-5613 (textable cellphone)
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