
The Polish voice file sounds OK on my Sansa Fuze+.


W dniu 12.07.2020 o 15:20, Solomon Peachy via rockbox-dev pisze:
On Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 02:47:33PM -0400, Solomon Peachy via rockbox-dev wrote:
There is probably no downside to turning this stuff on, but before I do
so I would appreciate it if folks who speak/understand these languages
can do a quick sanity-check to make sure the voices are usable and
I took the results of my last test run and uploaded everything here:


If you can, please grab the appropriate voice file(s) for your device
and let me know if they sound okay.  (You will need to pair it with a
daily build from roughly the same day; these files will _not_ work with
the last stable release!)

[1] English, Serbian, Polish, American English, Russian, Greek, Slovak,
     Norgeigan, Italian, and German
If your particular language is not on this list, it's becuase there is
under 95% string coverage for that language.  Please visit
https://translate.rockbox.org to see what's missing -- Patches welcome!


  - Solomon

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