--- Robert Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > And
that's relative to my remarks because.....?

Not relative at all, but ...

> >The rocketshare software is not functional past Mac
> OS 7.6.

It works fine under OS8.1, can't remember though if
there was any trick involved.

> >  > For what, beyond the academic pride of being
> able to do so?  What

Being on this list answers your question entirely, why
using a Radius Rocket at all if not for academic pride

> >  > would it allow you to do that your G3 can't
> handle?  And does that
> >  > really function as a co-processor or as a
> parallel processor?  I'm
> >  > unaware of anyone being able to bring up an
> alternate OS productively.

My question is then, why are you using a RR at all?

> >  > >I have a G3-acclerated Mac 7100 (Sonnet
> 250mhz); when I tried the
> >  > >Rocket in it, it would not work at
> all....Which is really a shame,
> >  > >since it would be a great upgrade to an older
> Nubus Powermac to have
> >  > >a co-processor.

You (the poster of this part of the message) mentioned
the 7100 was using OS9.1 and I think that the trouble
is all there. Try OS8.1, best OS anyway.

Even though I am using OS8.6, because I have to use
USB (OS 8.6 required) and the PC compatibility card
(maximum OS 8.6), it is much less stable than OS8.1,
at least with my hardware (9600/350 640/10.2 GB 3 x
4.3 GB, Voodoo3, ATI 3D, MiroMotion DC30plus, USB/FW,
Advansys SCSI card) 20" + 17" monitors, etc ...)

I understand stuffing up a system like that doesn't
help with stability, but OS8.1 crashed a fraction of
the times this system does, so, as soon as I get a
fast G3 upgrade for this, I'll go OS 9 and Virtual PC,
hoping for the best.


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